Image by Pavel Romaniko
The Experts
Photograph Magazine, January – February 2016.
Print, Publish, Conserve
VIP Art, 2012.
How Do I Separate Pictures That Are Stuck Together?
Real Simple Magazine. Updated July 13, 2010.
Room to Improve.
New York Times. November 16, 2006.
Photography; Preserving Images that Preserve the Moment.
New York Times. December 31, 2000.
Where to Find It.
New York Times. November 12, 1992.
Past Presentations & Publications
A Conservator’s Perspective on Reprinting Color Photographs. SFMoMA The Artist Initiative Symposium on Photography: Reprinting Color Photographs as a Preservation Strategy. 10 May 2019. Peter Mustardo.
New Original: Reprint in Fine Art Photography. Topics in Photographic Preservation Vol.17. (Washington, D.C.: Photographic Materials Group, The American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Works, 2017),207-224. Hanako Murata, J. Luca Ackerman, Tatiana Cole, and Peter Mustardo.
New Original: Reprint in Fine Art Photography. The 45th AIC Annual Meeting (PMG Session) Chicago,IL, U.S.A. 28 May – 2 June 2017. Hanako Murata.
“Cindy Sherman: A Play of Selves. A collaborative approach to conservation.
” J. Luca Ackerman, Peter Mustardo, Hanako Murata, and Tatiana Cole.
Studies in Conservation Vol. 61, Iss. Sup 2,2016